The Heim Prize celebrates collegial translations of journal articles from east European languages into English. The prize is sponsored by EEPS Foundation, a tax-exempt 501c3 organization. Translations receiving the prize will be submitted for publication to the journal East European Politics and Societies and Cultures.


EEPS Foundation

promotes high-quality, interdisciplinary scholarly research on and in eastern Europe; serves as a forum for academic and educational work; and organizes conferences, seminars, and workshops on east European studies.

Foundation activities are directed toward eastern Europe defined as the lands and peoples between Germany and Austria to the west, Russia to the east, and including the Balkans to the south.

Collegial translation

A translation by a colleague from a relevant discipline, rather than by a professional translator outside the author’s field.


Selection criteria

Application materials

Guidelines for the Translation of Social Science Texts

Rolling Deadline



Prize announcement

  • The translation cannot have been published previously.

  • The translation must be from an East European language as defined by the geographic ambit of EEPS Foundation. Translations from German, Turkish, Greek, and Russian are not eligible.

  • Articles should fall within the social sciences and the humanities.

  • The subject matter and approach should be suitable for publication in the journal EEPS.

  • Translations of journalism, blogs, or other brief pieces do not qualify.

  • Scholarly significance of the article

  • Quality of the translation

  • The translation’s contribution to scholarly communication across linguistic communities

  • The original article

  • The translation

  • A brief abstract (in English)

  • The translator’s bio or CV

  • A translator’s note, to be published with the translated article, elucidating the significance of the translated text and the significant challenges encountered in translating (ca. 500-1,000 words)

In a concise call to scholars who use translations in their work, “Guidelines for the Translation of Social Science Texts,” Michael Heim encouraged translation of colleagues’ journal articles to make them more widely available. Although Heim was a renowned literary translator, he was convinced that the best translator of a scholarly text is a colleague in a relevant discipline who has acquired facility in translation, rather than a professional translator who is unfamiliar with the discipline’s concepts, contexts, and controversies. 

1st October (to be considered in a given calendar year)


Via this Google Form.

At the annual convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

  • Christina Manetti, Independent

    • “Fenomen lustracji” by Andrzej Paczkowski

    • “Lustration: A Post-Communist Phenomenon” (Polish)

  • Joanna Trzeciak-Huss, Kent State University

    • "Katastrofa wsteczna" by Przemysław Czapliński, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

    • “Retroactive catastrophe” (Polish)

  • Annamaria Orla-Bukowska, Jagiellonian University

    • Badacz I Świadek Drugiej Generacji O Ratowaniu Lokalnej Pamięci Holokaustu w Polsce1"

    • "Both Researcher and Second Generation Witness –On Rescuing Local Memory of the Holocaust in Poland" (Polish)

  • Jennifer Croft, The Buenos Aires Review

    • Roma Sendyka’s "Miejsca, które straszą (afekty i miejsca nie-pamięci)"

    • "Sites That Haunt: Affects and Non-Sites of Memory" (Polish)

  • David Frick, University of California, Berkeley

    • “Wielopiśmienność Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: Nowe perspektywy badawcze”  by Jakub Niedźwiedź, Jagiellonian University, Cracow"

    • “Multiscripturality in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: New Research Approaches” (Polish)

  • James Krapfl, McGill University

    • "Moc bezmocných a další havlovské paradoxy v proudu času” by Jiří Suk, Institute for Contemporary History in Prague, and  Kristina Andělová, Charles University in Prague

    • “The Power of the Powerless and Further Havelian Paradoxes in the Stream of Time” (Czech)

Past Winners